The dog goes woof, woof-woof-woof
The cow goes moo, moo-moo-moo
The duck goes quack, quack-quack-quack
And the owl says to-whooo.
The cat goes meow, meow-meow
The bird goes tweet, tweet-tweet-tweet.
The pig goes oink, oink-oink-oink
And the little mouse says squeak, squeak-squeak-squeak.
These are the sounds that the animals make,
These are the sounds that the animals make.
The horse goes neigh, neigh-neigh
The sheep goes baa, baa-baa-baa.
The rabbit goes thump, thumpety-thump
And the people say bla, bla-bla-bla.
The snake goes hiss, hiss-hiss
The chicken goes cluck, cluck-cluck-cluck.
The frog goes ribbit, ribbit-ribbit
And the bee says buzz, buzz-buzz-buzz.
These are the sounds that the animals make.
These are the sounds that the animals make.
The donkey goes haw, hee-haw, hee-haw
The elephant goes pawoooo.
The bear goes growls, grrr-grrr
And the lion roars, raaaaaaaaar.
These are the sounds that the animals make.
These are the sounds that the animals make.
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